1st International Transportation Conference

Welcome to TGI

The Transportation Growth Initiative is an independent, Non-profit and Non- Governmental Organization established by stakeholders in the transportation and related industries for the purpose of building a unified platform for enhanced transportation efficiency in Nigeria and the Africa. It is a voluntary Organization which has its membership opened to all stakeholders in the transportation and related sectors, interested individuals locally and internationally, irrespective of Political, Religious, Cultural or Ethnic background, to provide scientific and technical appraisal and recommendations to government for implementation of innovative solutions in the sector. The TGI is supported by government at federal and state levels as well as key stakeholders and hosts annual transportation summit that brings together, Engineers, Scientists and other transportation professionals from the academia, practitioners and the general public. The objectives of the TGI as spelt out below are hinged on three focal points namely, Research, Networking and Conferences.

Why You Should Join the TGI

Government, Transportation practitioners, researchers, public officials, and other professionals need credible, high-quality information and research results to address the transportation challenges of the 21st century. The TGI engages professionals worldwide from an African perspective in a broad range of interdisciplinary, multimodal activities to lay a scientific foundation for innovative transportation solutions.

  1. Membership of the TGI is open a Bsc graduate or its equivalent in the field relating to transportation and with at least two years post qualification experience
  2. Non graduate applicants may be considered if they have at least 5years cognate experience in the field of transportation and at least an SSCE
  3. Obtain the registration form from the secretariat
  4. Appoint a representative for your organisation (corporate registrants only)
  5. Make payment of the registration fee to the TGI account; ₦200,000.00 for corporate registrants and ₦20,000.00 for individual registrants.
  6. More Guidelines


Download Membership Benefits
  1. Bring together researchers, operators, regulators and unions in the transportation and related industry in a unified platform for providing scientific solution to the challenges in the industry
  2. Create for all stakeholders in the transportation industry an interactive platform for sharing and exchange of ideas for the betterment of the transportation industry in Nigeria and in the African continent
  3. Create avenue for training, education and enlightenment of stakeholders and the general public through conferences, workshops, seminars with local and international content;
  4. See more Objectives

TGI Stakeholders Workshop on Sustainable Urban Mobility 2019

1st International Transportation Conference Download the Urban Mobility Workshop Flyer

Road Transportation

Road Transportation

The task of the Transportation Growth Initiatives in Road Transportation is to provide leadership in the development of innovative platforms...

Rail Transportation

Rail Transportation

This segment highlights rail transportation issues, TGI reports on this subject, updates and includes links to selected rail transport, regulatory, safety and research-related activities...



This segment highlights aviation issues, TGI reports on this subject, updates and includes links to selected aviation, regulatory and research-related activities...

Marine Transportation

Marine Transportation

This section provides links to TGI marine transportation-related programs, activities and networks...

TGI 2016 International Conference

International Transport Organizations
Electronic & Print Media
Papers Presented
Federal Government Agencies
Research Institutes Related to Transportation
Local Participating Transport-related Organisations
Federal Cabinet Ministers from Nigeria and Ghana
State Executive Governors

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Road Transport

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Persons with Disability

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